martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015


This is a place very beautiful and interesting, I really want to visit because I like the religion, the customs, and the biotic or abiotic scenery.

I don't consider that I'm a religious person but I like the budism, and this is practice for a 95% of people in Thailand. The people is very spiritual and they believe in the reencarnation. The customs are govern for his faith.

If someday I go there, I would visit the most important temple (In Bangkok), there is the Buda Esmeralda. Is a magnific place!!

Here you can't take pictures inside because is a sacred place.

I wouldn't like work or live in Thailand. Just I would like study about the people and the culture. That is amazing for me. When I was a child always I was interested on study about the culture of many places and this specially.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Post 2: Some Opinions...

I had been thinking about some topics and I will say what I think about it.

· Legalization of marijuana

The legalization of marijuana is a topic very interesting because produce so much polemic... I think that is a right. We can decide about consume or not. And if it's natural... I don't see the problem!!

· Climate Changes

The Nature is beautiful and powerful. And I think that is some dangerous because is unpredictable. With the climate changes many accidents have happened... Some people is connecting this with the catastrophic tsunami and the earthquake in Chile, and the natural accidents around the world. I think that make sense...

· Recycle

We are very destructive with ours own home. A few people is doing something about it, but it's not enough. I think that the best idea to help the planet is recycle. We can do so much for the nature... And this is something so simple. We can do. Just we should encourage.

· Cloning and Abortion

This topics are very polemic. Why? Because the Catholicism is disagree. I think that the Catholic Church and the government should respect the idea of Secular State. Is a progress for the humanity something so wonderful like the cloning. And I completely agree with the abortion if this is hurting the life of the mother and the child.

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

About me.

My name is Bielca Oviedo, i'm 19. I was born in Santiago, on july 27. I studied in a high school called REAR. Then I choose study Veterinary Medicine in Universidad de Chile. Now i'm on the first year of my career. 

I live in Recoleta with my father. My mom is a beautiful woman, called Bielca Bernales. My dad is Gregorio Oviedo, he's very ugly but I love him. I have 6 brothers and sisters; Ivanna, Emilia, Lucy, Kaheill, Lyan and Ethan. I'm the older sister.

I have a lot of hobbies, my favorites are play guitar,draw and travel. I love music, specially rock. I love eat, I LOVE ITTTT !  The animals and nature are my inspiration. I love my boyfriend, called Felipe. and... that is all! I think?